
Microwave Oven Buying Guide – 10 Important things to know before buying Microwave Oven

Microwave Oven Buying Guide

Microwave Oven Buying Guide

In this microwave oven buying guide, First we are going to see what is microwave oven and how it works. Also you will learn lots of things about microwave oven in this guide. So do not skip any parts and read the full article. Lets jump into the guide.

1. What is microwave oven?

An enclosed chamber with a heat source inside is called as oven. Here if the heat source is microwaves, then it is called microwave oven. Electromagnetic waves passes through the food and it cooks the food. In this kind of cooking food cooks faster than the traditional ovens.

2. How microwave ovens are working?

Inside the metal box, there is a microwave generator called magnetron. When turn on the magnetron, it converts the electricity into high powered radio waves. Magnetron sends these waves into the cooking chamber through a wave guide.

These waves are reflected by the metal walls (stainless steel) many times. Now we assume that the chamber full of high powered radio waves. If there is a food inside the chamber, it cooks by the waves which produced by the magnetron.

Waves penetrate the food, and vibrates the food molecules. While vibrating the molecules, it hits the another neighboring molecule. Here the heat energy is produced through friction by hitting another molecule. Produced heat is now cooks the food.

Waves cannot cover all the food area, so the turntable turns the food and makes the food cook evenly. We hope you understand how the microwave ovens working. Well, What are all the types of microwave oven available in India?

3. Types of Microwave Oven

Solo Microwave Oven

Solo Microwave Oven has only one source of heating element which is microwaves. In this solo microwaves we can make rice, noodles, pasta, reheat the food, defrost etc.

Grill Microwave Oven

Grill Microwave has the same functionality as described in the solo microwave, but additionally it has the heating coil in top. So, we can grill the food using this oven. Also, we can combine microwave and heater element for fast cooking.

Convection Microwave Oven

Convection is nothing but the hot air. It circulates around the food inside the chamber. It has 3 heating sources. Microwave+Grill+Convection.

Convection microwave has all the required elements to cook all kind of foods. So, we can call it as multi-purpose oven. But it has only single heating coil on the top. We can me cakes, cookies, pizzas, defrosting, reheating, simple cooking and grilling.

Solo vs Grill vs Convection Microwave Oven

ItemsSolo MicrowaveGrill MicrowaveConvection Microwave
Re-Heat Food
Milk, Tea,Coffee, Rice, noodles, Pasta
Grill, Kebab, Tikka, Tandoori
Bake Cake,Bread, Brownie and Pizza
Few best microwave ovens to choose

4. What is the Microwave Oven power level? Which unit to measure?

Microwave oven buying guide

Generally the power output levels of the microwave ovens are measured in watt. Each ovens are mentioned them in different ways, but the output levels of the microwave ovens are in watts. For example, Some ovens are mentioned 1 to 10. Here the scale of 1 to 10 is low to high. Some microwave ovens are mentioned from 10 to 100(Percentage). If it is a 900W oven, 100 means 900W.

In  few models, they have mentioned the wattage itself. i.e, 100 to 900. In some other model, it is mentioned as low, medium, high. So basically, if the wattage decreases, it is considered as low power, and the cooking time increases.

Power level changes according to the size of the microwave oven. Most Indian microwave ovens range from 700 to 900 for daily routine usage.

5. Models of Microwave Oven


Apart from India, There are variety of models available to choose. When comes to India, there are limited models only available. Here there are 2 major models available, 1. Counter top (Most popular), 2. Built-in.(Less familiar).

Counter top

The counter top models are so popular in India because of our life style and usage. Also it is cheaper than the Built-in models. Easy to change its position. It is more compact. No need to allocate space specifically for the the oven, it can fit in any small space on your counter.

Buil-in Microwave Oven

Built-in Microwave oven gives great look to your kitchen. Seamless design fits any type of cupboard. These microwave ovens are costlier than the counter top microwave ovens. Cannot move once it is fixed. So preplan needed before doing the modular kitchen works. These ovens are comes with larger capacity than the counter top.

6. Capacity of Microwave Oven

In this microwave buying guide, next we are going to see which capacity to choose for your kitchen. To understand better we have given a chart below.

Capacity choosing guide

Family Members

Solo Microwave

Microwave + Grill

Convection Microwave

1 or 2

17L - 20L

17L - 20L

20L - 25L

3 to 4

20L - 25L

20L - 25L

25L - 28L

5 and above

Above 25L

Above 25L

Above 28L

This capacity recommendation is just for your reference. It depends on other factors like, what we are going to cook, how frequent we are cooking how much we are cooking. team suggest to get the best size for all is 25L – 28L. Also if buying a multi-purpose oven called convection microwave oven will be a best choice.

7. Cavity material of Microwave Oven

In this microwave buying guide, next we are going to see cavity material of the microwave oven. There are 2 types of cavity materials available in the microwave oven. 1. Stainless steel, 2. Ceramic enamel.

Stainless steel

Stainless steel is good conductor, so basically it transfer the heat fast, also reflective capability of the stainless steel is more. This is why 90% of the microwave ovens are made with stainless steel. But in the longer run, if not maintaining well, corrosion occurs. 

Ceramic Cavity

Ceramic cavity is good for non-sticky property. So it is easy to clean. Maintenance also less, also it last longer than the stainless steel. But it will take little longer to heat inside the oven. Only few models only available with the ceramic cavity.

8. Which utensils to use?

In this microwave buying guide, next we are going to see which utensils are suitable for microwave, grill and convection.

Utensils to use

Cookware Type Microwave Grill Convection
Microwave safe plastic
Microwave safe glassware
Oven safe glassware
Microwave safe ceramic
Oven safe ceramic
Borosilicate Glass

Whenever you shopping for OTG or Microwave oven, carefully check whether it is Oven safe or Microwave safe. Some utensils are mentioned as Oven and microwave safe. So you can consider them. Don’t use any metals in microwave mode (particularly sharp metals). Apart from this, we can use some kind of papers like parchment paper or butter paper.

9. Microwave Oven vs OTG Oven

In this microwave buying guide, next we are going to see which oven is better. Actually microwave and OTG are different heat source, so what we are going to consider for this comparison is Convection Microwave vs Convection OTG Oven. See the difference between Convection microwave oven and Convection OTG Oven.

Convection Microwave vs Convection OTG Oven

Specifications Convection Microwave Convection OTG
Heating Source
Microwave+ 1 Heater+Convection
2 Heater+Convection
Energy Efficient
Efficient in microwave mode, but convection mode consumes very high
Convection mode itself takes lesser power than the microwave convection oven
Pre-Heat time
Little longer than convection microwave
Baking Quality
Little confusing
Easy to understand
Preset Menu
Lots of preset menus
Selective models have very few preset menus
Budget friendly
Light weight
Cooking, Boiling, frying, baking, broiling, toasting, defrosting and reheating
Limited to baking, grilling, broiling, toasting

We hope this chart will helps you to choose the best one amongst these two kind of ovens.

10. Modern feature of Microwave Oven

In this microwave buying guide, next we are going to see what are all the latest features available in microwave oven.

Smart Oven

Now a days the technology growing rapidly, so all of our gadgets are changing to smart. In smart microwave oven, you can connect your oven with your smart phone to control the oven, get alerts about the food and etc.


This function gives your convection microwave oven as an all rounder performer. Only few models giving this feature in the convection microwave ovens.

Child Lock

Child lock is default in all the microwave ovens. So no need to look this feature while buying.

Auto-Cook menu

All microwave ovens are comes with auto cook menu. But each brand, gives their unique menus to attract the customers. for beginners it might be good to have presets. Once you experienced, you don’t need any presets at all.

Digital Display

While choosing the microwave oven, check whether the smart display or digital display available. Digital display gives you clear picture of what is happening inside your microwave oven.

In this microwave oven buying guide, we have covered almost everything as a customer point of view.If anything missed out, or if you have any doubts regarding the microwave oven please comment on this article. Also if you think this is useful, then share with your circles. Thanks for reading!!

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